Our family's 2014 birthdays are biggies this year for my heart! The baby turned 5. That's a hard one for me.
I still have hope that she will ALWAYS allow me to snuggle with her!
This precious one is now 9, and has become her big sister's shadow, trying to push her way into the teen years. Just stop that, little lady!!!
And the youngest boy in the family, my baby boy, is now 14, and in high school! In fact, in breaking with our homeschool through to college tradition, he is attending a private school for 9th grade this year.
The rest of the birthdays will come in a whirlwind around Thanksgiving, and I hope the distraction of the holiday will keep me from going into shock. I can hardly believe the petite little fairy will turn 7, the young woman that used to be my little girl will be 18, and my firstborn will be 20! These ages are just numbers to anyone else, but to me, they are milestones in my life's story. And milestones in the stories of these amazing people I call my children.