Yesterday was a thoughtful day for me. I was thinking so much about the challenges my children and grandchildren will face in their lifetimes. When I think about the changing world, and how quickly things progress and change in this day and age, instead of being discouraged, I become energized!
I say this over and over again... God made me for now!
God made my children to serve a purpose in their generation!
We are here for His glory in THIS moment in history!
So, these thoughtful days remind me of the HUGE role I play as a mother in this epic story of our world. (The word epic is really overused lately, I know!)
But when it comes to God's supernatural plan for His children and the way He chose to let His story play out on this "natural" sphere of water and land, the perspective of considering timeless eternity causes me to feel the responsibility that comes with being a mother. The lives of my children are so greatly affected by mine... I can feel the awesome weight of that influential position!
I am responsible for teaching my children about the God of creation.
I am responsible to train my children to trust God's Word.
I am responsible to be an example of godliness.
I am responsible to disciple my children like Jesus disciples.
I am responsible to prepare them to defend their faith in this world.
I am responsible to point out God's handiwork all around them, so they will see and know Him.
I am responsible to show them what God's love looks like coming through a human vessel.
Ultimately, God calls them and draws them, but I have a very important job to do! Creator God gives his creation a chance to glorify Him by affecting GENERATIONS!!!

...Toward the end of my thoughtful day, I was able to have a wonderful conversation with my own mother. Thank you, Lord, for the gift You gave me in a powerfully godly influence!
What a gift, to have the chance to be encouraged by my mother...
Encouraged to stay strong... not grow weary!
Encouraged to teach my children God's truth, so they can stand up for what they believe in.
Encouraged to equip without overwhelming.
Encouraged to keep praying and believing when the days are long.
Encouraged to remember God's grace and mercy when I can see my human limits.
And thank you, Mother, for your witness in faithfulness. I love you! Thank you for ending my evening with a conversation that reminded me of the blessing that is passed from generation to generation... down from mother, to mother, to mother. As we train our little ones, we are training them to train their little ones, and on and on.
... And then my day ended with bittersweet tears, as I read another's blog article about saying goodbye to her own mother. Oh my...
...what a way to end my thoughtful day- sad for a sister in Christ, but more than that-
reminded deeply of the influence of a mother. How greatly the heart is affected by the relationship of mother and child! This is God's plan... His way.
Oh, that I can be faithful in my calling...
May the Lord continue to empower me and other mothers like me who hear your call, and long to touch the hearts of generations!
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