Thursday, September 8, 2011

Charlotte Mason Help

Here's an additional post to the Literature Series I had posted over the summer.  This topic is ALWAYS on my mind:

I've been scouring websites and blogs for Charlotte Mason inspiration as we enjoy these beautiful first weeks of our new school year;  going on nature walks, studying Leonardo da Vinci, pulling out the time-lines and maps, snuggling together with our favorite picture books, having great discussions about our Bible lessons.

I like to use Charlotte Mason methodology as much as I can.

In addition to Ambleside online and other curriculum sites (listed in a previous post) that use a literature approach, I've found some incredibly helpful blogs.  Just click on the pictures below to visit each site.

Simply Charlotte Mason is a valuable resource (full of book recommendations, organizer/planners, a blog, articles, and curriculum helps).   This is at the top of the list!    (picture credit:  from SCM website)

Charlotte Mason Home Education is a wonderful one.  It's packed full of tips, how-to's, and freebies.  (pic from CMHE)

Handbook of Nature Study blog.  She gives many free downloads, and nature study challenges.  She also posts lots of pics of their family's nature study finds.  Good stuff!  (pic from HNS)

Practical Pages (blog).  Every post includes a printable download.  Lots of practical tutorials notebooking, copywork, art appreciation, etc.  (pic from PP)

Click this link to access a nicely done "Living Books" book list at Charlotte Mason Home Education.  (pic from CMHE)


  1. Love Ambleside Online and many of the same resources you love. We must be kindred spirits. :)

  2. Ambleside is wonderful! Charlotte Mason was one incredible lady. She had so much wisdom and understanding of children and the times. Her words are completely relevant to today's children, too.


    I believe we ARE kindred spirits, for sure! :)

    As a matter of fact, I have enjoyed following your blog for some time now!


  4. Elisabeth,

    Amen! I recommend her method to every new homeschool mom I meet!



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